Peter J. Lucas - Guestbook

Search Results 26 through 50 of 552

Date: 02/28/2008
Name: nowak
Country: Azerbaijan
Comments: I heard you like the song, famous blue raincoat, me too

Date: 01/13/2008
Name: Sabine
Country: Germany
Comments: I think,Peter is a fascinating actor,just "wow" ;-) May all your wishes come true

Date: 01/03/2008
Name: Emil
Country: Sweden
Comments: I really loved Peter Lucas performance in The Beast Within. I think he is a big star in Poland now after getting to the finals of Dancing with the stars?

Date: 12/21/2007
Name: Joseph
Country: Malta
Comments: Outstanding performance in GK2. It's like you were born for that role.

Date: 09/25/2007
Name: Matthew Jessop
Country: Australia
Comments: Hi Peter!..I loved your work in Gk2...It would have been half the game but your acting talents brought out the beauty and mystery in this masterpiece...thankyou.

Date: 09/04/2007
Name: Dorothy A. Johnson
Country: USA
Comments: Thoroughly enjoyed playing GK2 again. I just finished it this weekend. Now I remember why I bought this game 10 years ago and kept it. Your portrayal as Van Glower was mesmerizing and very seductive. Too bad there wasn't a sequel exactly like GK2 with all the characters. You could have been a "ghost" from the past. Anyway, good luck in all your endeavors and know that your acting is very much appreciated. Take care.

Date: 08/21/2007
Name: Elisabetta
Country: Austria
Comments: Hi Peter, It's me again! :) I hope you don't mind multiple entries but I was just playing GKII again and every time I play it I discover new details about your performance that I really love. I can't play Ch. 6 any more and I really miss your character when playing GK3. Keep up the good work! Elisabetta

Date: 07/23/2007
Name: Manuel
Country: Germany
Comments: Dear Peter! I'm from Berlin. The most of the people can identify you with Von Glower only. It was a great role. Many Graetings from Berlin

Date: 07/05/2007
Name: Tiina
Country: Finland
Comments: Seems that many remembers you from GK2 game as von Glover and I must say I do too. Just finished playing it. Sad your character had to die. I definetely have to find time and watch some of your movies, too.

Date: 07/02/2007
Name: Pedro V.
Country: Portugal
Comments: ! Cheers from Portugal ! As many, i am a Von Glower fan. Your character is so true... maybe you were a Baron in past life ? :-) Best of luck

Date: 06/26/2007
Name: Fléďa
Country: France
Comments: Cher Baron, le jeu que je refais une a deux fois par an depuis que j'ai 8 ans et avec autant de plaisir que le premier jour est The beast within. Je n'ai compris que plus tard que c'était grâce ŕ votre magnifique interprétation... Vous avez un charisme incroyable. C'est depuis ce temps que les loups-garou me fascinent. Merci de m'avoir légué ces innoubliables souvenirs et votre mystérieux sourire... Dear Baron, the play that I remake has twice a year since I am 8 years old and with as much pleasure than the first day is The beast within. I understood only later that it was thanks to your splendid interpretation… You have an incredible charisma. It is since this time that the werewolves fascinate me. Thank you me to have bequeathed these innoubliables memories and your mysterious smile…

Date: 06/26/2007
Name: Katarzyna
Country: Poland
Comments: Jest Pan swietnym aktorem i pieknie Pan tanczyl w "Tancu...". Dla wielu ludzi to Pan wygral ten program! Mam nadzieje, ze wroci Pan do Polski na dluzej. Pozdrawiam i zycze powodzenia.

Date: 06/02/2007
Name: Kelly J. Compeau
Country: Canada
Comments: Happy 45th Birthday, Peter. Love and blessings to you on this special day.

Date: 04/02/2007
Name: Jadewik
Country: USA
Comments: Just reinstalled Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (and got it to work too). I really love that game. The many short films that encompass the film really make the game enjoyable. And all that wouldn't be possible without great actors. Your character, Von Glower, was very appealing because of how you portrayed him in the game. Thanks for doing such a fantastic job. I didn't realize you were Polish until just now. I have Polish heritage on my mother's side (My great-grandmother was born in Krakow)... but a lot of that culture was lost after they immigrated to the states because my ancestors were ashamed of our Polish heritage. It's a little disappointing to have that culture stripped away... Oh, well. I'm glad you don't hide who you are. I also look forward to seeing you in more films-- it's always fun to say "Hey! That's Peter Lucas from Gabriel Knight 2!" when I'm watching a movie. =)

Date: 03/20/2007
Name: Villiers Véronique
Country: France
Comments: Je n'oublierais jamais votre rôle de Von Glower oů je vous ai apprécié et c'est comme cela que je vous ai découvert comme acteur . Je vous souhaite une belle et longue vie . English - I would never forget your role of Von Glower where I appreciated you so much and when I discovered you as actor. I wish you beautiful and long life

Date: 02/17/2007
Name: Monika
Country: Australia
Comments: I have just found out that you are Polish. Its a shame that when i was watching those shows on TV that i didnt know. Wish you all the best and will look out for you now. Wszystkiego dobrego.

Date: 02/10/2007
Name: Marta
Country: Poland
Comments: Jest pan świetnym aktorem!!! Zobaczyłam tylko kilka filmów z pana udziałem i jestem pod wrażeniem!!! Gratuluję drugiego miejsca w Tańcu z gwiazdami!!

Date: 02/10/2007
Name: KmK
Country: Czech Republic
Comments: Great performance in PC adventure Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within!!! Too bad your character died in the end...

Date: 01/29/2007
Name: Elisabetta
Country: Austria
Comments: Dear Peter, I've been an avid GK fan for years, GK2 being my favourite. I loved your Baron Friedrich von Glower. Brilliant acting, I must say. I hated that I had to kill your character in the end. ;-) And this from a native Austrian: Your German is sweet. :-)

Date: 01/12/2007
Name: Magdalena
Country: Poland
Comments: Witam serdecznie Panie Piotrze! Jestem Pana wielka fanka. Ogladalam wiele filmów z Panskim udzialem i musze przyznac, ze wszystkie byly genialne. Mam nadzieje poznac wszystkie Pana role filmowe i serialowe. Genialnym wystepem w "Tancu Z Gwiazdami" udowodnil Pan, ze tanczyc kazdy moze-nawet ktos tak wysoki jak Pan. A tanczyl Pan swietnie. Kazdy Pana taniec ogladalam z zapartym tchem i gdy ddowiedzialam sie, ze jest Pan w finale, skakalam z radosci. Dla mnie, to Pan i Pana partnerka Dominika wygraliscie "Taniec Z Gwiazdami" i nic tego nie zmieni. Dzieki temu programowi zyskal Pan ogromna rzesze wielbicieli i mam nadzieje, ze teraz bedzie Pan duzo cześciej przyjezdzal do Polski i gral w polskich filmach. Moim marzeniem jest spotkac Pana na zywo, uscisnac Panska dlon i osobiscie pogratulowac sukcesów aktorskich i tanecznych. Dla mnie, jest Pan idealem mezczyzny:przystojny, elegancki, mily, szarmancki, szanujacy rodzine i bliskich, wesoly, szczery, naturalny, nie boi sie Pan okazywac swoich uczuc i za to Pana cenie. Jest Pan najlepszym aktorem na swiecie. Zycze Panu wiele sukcesów w zyciu zawodowym i prywatnym! Pozdrawiam goraco ze Swinoujscia! :)

Date: 01/04/2007
Name: Mido
Country: Morocco
Comments: I loove Peter Lucas

Date: 12/30/2006
Name: Adam Von Elayni
Country: Egypt
Comments: Hi, I guess you could say im a new fan.. dont usually bother to take the time to send stuff like this, but i have just completed the now somewhat dated PC game: Gabriel Knight the Beast Within.. Your character, Von Glower is absolutely gripping. You shine out amongst all the others and your persona is nothing less than mesmerising. Thank you for making the game what it is, and a pleasure to play!!! Wish you all the best.

Date: 12/08/2006
Name: Jolanta
Country: USA
Comments: Panie Piotrze od 22lat mieszkam w USA ,,ale nigdy o panu nie slyszalam, do momentu obejzenia filmu " Ostatnia misja"(Co za super facet) Postanowilam Pana odszukac,dowiedziec sie czegos wiecej o Panu ,,,udalo mi sie to w internecie. Jako ze nie mam za duzych kontaktow z krajem, nie wiedzialam ze bral Pan udzual w Tancu z Gwiazdami, Gratuluje drugiego misca Jest Pan dla mnie idealem faceta ,,, Serdecznie pozdrawiam z NY

Date: 11/27/2006
Name: Barbara
Country: Poland
Comments: Bardzo ladna strona, cieszę sie, ze na nia trafilam :-) Goraco pozdrawiam Pana Piotra i zyczę wielu sukcesów!

Date: 11/20/2006
Name: Małgośka
Country: Poland
Comments: Witam Panie Piotrze! Chciałabym Pana najpierw przeprosić za nieodpowiednie przekierowanie mojego pierwszego maila, co do którego nawet nie jestem pewna czy doszedł. Mam nadzieję, że Pan się nie gniewa? Pragnę na tej stronie podziękować Panu raz jeszcze za to, że pobudził Pan nas do życia (mówię tu o 40-latkach). Dziękuję za wszystkie kreowane przez Pana role, za niezwykłe widowisko taneczne w TzG (to było cudowne)oraz za to, że jest Pan 100% mężczyzną ze znakomitymi manierami, kulturą i urokiem osobistym, a przede wszystkim z ogromnym wdziękiem i wrażliwością. To niezwykle rzadkie cechy, ale jak bardzo cenne. Tym bardziej jestem więc dumna, że jest Pan naszym rodakiem. Mam tylko nadzieję, że będzie Pan pamiętał o nas i wkrótce ponownie powróci ( tym razem na dłużej) do kraju. Gorąco pozdrawiam Pana oraz Pana najbliższych, życząc wspaniałych osiągnięć w karierze zawodowej oraz szczęścia, pogody ducha i pomyślności w życiu osobistym. Zasługuje Pan na to. POWODZENIA!. Małgosia

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